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“VJ, I wanted to thank you for the willingness to take on tough subjects such as specialization in youth sports….as PE teachers we are on the front line encouraging play, preaching try new things to our students and as well as parent education. I did pass onto Artie that your session was something the entire conference needed to hear and he thanked me for the feedback. The session on Wednesday concerning play was exactly what I need to move forward with confidence and gave shape to my vision for our K-12 program. My Physical Education Philosophy is now two pronged but parallel as foundational to the human experience and development. Thanks again and best of success, when I write my book please know I never heard the term “Functional Play” before this week….so hope to give you credit.”

- Kyle Alexander
Director of Athletics and Physical Education
New Covenant School  

“I finished your book a few days ago. Wow!!! The concepts and ideas are a lot to absorb. If I hadn't just witnessed a change in my granddaughter, I would not have been able to grasp what you were saying. 
I am extremely grateful for our conversation and your book. I have an awareness now of what has been happening to Grace. It makes perfect sense. 
Your passion to make a difference in the lives of young people is admirable. My hope and prayer is that doors open wide for you to speak into the lives of those who are adversely impacting this and future generations. 
You can make a difference!”

- Susan

“VJ Stanley takes an important stance regarding athletics and our children. He is thoughtful and passionate about what is best for the kids in our society. He is honest in calling us out as parents and coaches, in that we all need to separate out what is best for the children from the aspirations of the adults around them. As a pediatric orthopedic sports surgeon, I feel the VJ is on our team in terms of safety for our athletes.” 

- Jennifer M. Weiss, MD
Orthopedic Surgery
Pediatric Orthopedics and Sports Medicine